Saturday, February 9, 2008

Shopping Day

Mom is back to planning the meals. She had cut out the coupons so we got some bargains at the Orange Blossom. Then we found some more good deals at Publix. After lunch we're not going to the pool. Overcast and 70̊, Dad said it's not a pool day. I think that Mom is more relaxed now that she has a definite return date.


MaryLyn said...

Ernie, I have some medical questions: What ever happened to Mom taking the Digoxen or not? How has her pulse been?...Low again? Is the nurse coming Monday to take her blood? How has her INR level been since taking 1/2 pill?
Thanks for keeping us all updated. I know Mom and Dad appreciate all you are doing for them there. Give hugs to Mom and Dad for me.

e sciaroni said...

We're just leaving for Mass, I"ll update to answer your questions later today.