Monday, January 26, 2009

Ernie Update

This is a little late, but I visited Ernie yesterday, Sunday and here is my update.

Ernie was in good spirits, and he always is, so nothing has changed. :-)
He said he would be coming home on Monday, Jan. 26th, if all goes as planned. That is great news as he feels he can enjoy his recovery more there.
Ernie commented how nice the people were on his floor at St. Mary's.
He is recovering from the surgery and we did some walking and talking around the floor.
They are waiting for the results to find out what "Stage" the cancer is, but we are hopeful that he might not need chemo.

Overall he will have to wait several weeks before he has colostomy reversed. It may have to wait longer if chemo is needed.
Ernie is very thankful for all the prayers and well wishes. Keep Ernie in your thoughts and prayers.

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