Thursday, January 31, 2008

Evening update

Just talked to Mom. She sounds tired again. Hopefully she will get a good night's sleep tonight. She sounded a little bored. She said that she is not doing much. I think she feels unproductive because she is so used to being active.
They enjoyed the pool today...hanging out with their friends and enjoying the sunshine. The nurse that drew her blood said that this would be the last day for that. That is hard for me to believe because they haven't gotten the results from today's test and her INR level has yet to be regulated. I guess we'll see what the head nurse says. She may be coming by tomorrow. Mom wasn't sure.
They all went out to eat this evening and everything seemed to go well. Mom and Annette played some cards today and Mom won. Sounds like she's really learning to compensate well for her lack of vision. She talked again about coming home...and said they would probably be making a decision soon as to what they were going to do.
Lou should be getting home soon. He had a it was a long trip home.


lsciaron said...

My flight in Atlanta was delayed a bit by thunder storms but I finally made it back to Alabama around 9PM CST.

MaryLyn said...

Thanks bro for all you did! Glad to hear you made it back safely.